These Calabrian Potatoes were absolutely delicious as a side dish with our Shrimp Scampi dinner!
5 medium potatoes, peeled and thickly sliced
4 cups thinly-sliced red (or yellow) onions
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, or as needed
Kosher salt, to taste
Pinch of finely-minced oregano, optional
Peel the potatoes and cut them into 1/4-inch slices; rinse them and set aside to soak in cold water to remove excess starch. Peel the onion; cut it in half and then into slices 1/4-inch thick. Heat just enough oil to barely cover the bottom of a large, heavy, nonstick skillet (which has a tight-fitting lid). Add potato and onion slices to the hot oil and mix together lightly; do not season with salt at this time! Cover the skillet with a tight-fitting lid and cook over low heat for 8-10 minutes, without stirring or moving the potatoes. Then remove the lid and use a flat spatula to gently loosen the potato mixture. Carefully turn the mixture, keeping it as intact as possible. Cover the pan again and cook over low heat 5 more minutes. Remove the lid, salt the potatoes, sprinkle with just a tiny pinch of oregano, if desired. Continue cooking without a lid until potatoes are crusty on the outside, soft and fully cooked inside (turn them as little as possible), and the onions are a bit charred. Test for doneness with a toothpick, then transfer potatoes with a large flat spatula to a serving dish. NOTE: Leftovers (if there are any!) may be refrigerated for up to two days. — Serves 4

Good to know!