1 acorn squash
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/4 cup freeze-dried chives
1-2 tablespoons Progresso Italian-style bread crumbs
6 tablespoons freshly-grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, divided
1/2 teaspoon freeze-dried thyme leaves
1/2 teaspoon freeze-dried tarragon leaves
1/2 teaspoon freshly-ground nutmeg
3-4 tablespoons rich homemade chicken stock, or as needed
Preheat oven to 350°. Wash the squash under warm water; dry the skin well with paper towels. Cut squash in half; scoop out and discard seeds. Cover cut surfaces of both halves with a paper towel and microwave on high 1-2 minutes, or until the flesh is just barely softened. Do not over-microwave the squash; it still needs to bake after being stuffed.
Without puncturing the skin of the squash, carefully spoon the softened flesh into a large bowl (turning each half into a “squash bowl”). If necessary, use a knife to cut the squash flesh into smaller pieces. Add cranberries, chives, bread crumbs, 4 tablespoons of the cheese, and all of the seasonings to the squash. Blend stock into the mixture, one tablespoon at a time — adding just enough stock to bind the mixture together. Mix together well, then spoon the prepared mixture into the “squash bowl” halves. Divide the remaining 2 tablespoons of cheese evenly over the top of both halves. Bake 20-25 minutes, or until completely cooked through. — Serves 2
NOTE: This squash photo was recently seen on Facebook (so thank you to Maryann Augusta — another squash fan, whom I’ve not had an opportunity to meet). To me, the squash looked good enough to eat right from the picture itself! No formal recipe was attached, so I did what I usually do with recipes anyway — I created one. I really do enjoy fresh acorn squash, and this one has a new twist to it — you’ll like it! Don’t leave out the freshly-ground nutmeg; you’ll find that the flavors blend together very well.